Our innovative cloud, datacenter & network services help you own, scale and orchestrate your interconnections locally, regionally, and internationally
Control and reach at the core of European Internet
Turbocharge your Transit with the quality of Peering
Cloud Connectivity
Unbeatable access to clouds and SaaS
SaaS Connect
Redefining Connectivity for Service Providers
Optical and logical transport services
Elastic Interconnect
Finally the internet is no longer a black box
Nawas: The leading Anti-DDoS scrubbing service
The Interconnect CONsole
Custom Network
Let's design and build the network you need
Customer Story
iunxi's Growth Strategy and Partnership with NL-ix
Discover how RoyaleHosting evolved from game hosting to providing enterprise-grade services with robust DDoS protection
A 20-Year Partnership: DataWeb and NL-ix Celebrate Milestones
Solvinity - Celebrating Solvinity and NL-ix's 20-year partnership in the industry
BIT - Celebrating a two-decade milestone
How Telekom Slovenije increased efficiency @ NL-ix Frankfurt
M247 about the NL-ix RSC
How Parknet pushed for more Peering
Level66.net about the critical gap of NL-ix
Know your Flow with BENOCs Flow Analytics
DataWeb & NL-ix: Long-Term Partners
NorthC & NL-ix extended partnership
Use Case
The symbiosis of Peering & Transit
When every millisecond counts
How our distributed Peering fabric can benefit you
Extend your network, grow your coverage
An economic viable growth path for your traffic?
One port, multiple services
Connecting you to the cloud
Reaching Unique Networks @ NL-ix